5 Criteria
A successful Removable Partial Denture (RPD) must meet certain important criteria. These criteria are:
1. Function
The most important criteria for a successful removable denture is function. If an RPD does not function properly, it can not be a success. The appliance will either be unstable, lack proper retention, or both. To eliminate these problems, teeth must be prepared in a way so that forces are applied along the long axis of the tooth and function is passive. The way to achieve this solution is by using Class 2 lever physisc based on the "balance of force principles of design". With the use of properly contoured crowns (when prescribed) or simple preparation on natural teeth, true Class 2 lever, balance of force principals can be achieved. When existing abutments are used, a rest and guide plane are created in the abutment teeth opposite the edentulous area. This technique enables the abultment tooth to move properly during mastication along the long axis eliminating destructive horisontal forces. Retention is achieved with a back action clasp that engages the undercut facing the edentulos area. The clasp moves away from the undercut during mastication and passively retains the abutment tooth. Protection and preservation of the abutment teeth and function are most important, and can be easily and readily acquired if four simple engineering laws are applied with understanding and the bacis physiology of the tooth is not violated. Without proper tooth preparation, or when indicated, properly contoured crows, a RPD can not function properly.
2. Comfort
If proper function is the cornestone to successful RPD's then comfort should be considered second. If the appliance is not toleranted in the mouth, it will be used only out of necessity or not at all! In order for a PRD to be comfortable, it must not be oversized or over contoured. The denture base, and overall contour must be designed so as to give the patient ulmost comfort during mastication and at rest. Extra bulk of the denture base and stress-breaking devices add nothing to enchance patient comfort. Over-extension of the denture base causes patient discomfort and excessive movement of the denture, and must be eliminated. All lower free-end denture bases should be countoured just short of the mucc-buccal fold, short of the mylo-hyloid ridge, and include as much of the retro-molar pad as possible. Any muscle impingement by the denture base will cause movement of the prosthesis and that movement will be transmitted to the abultment teeth. All upper free-end denture bases should be contoured just short of the mucc-buccal fold and include the maxillary tuberosity.
3. Esthetics
The number one reason patients object to removable partial dentures is unsightly clasps. For most patients, unsightly clasps are an emotional problem, and many patients reject the placing of a restoration in their mouth because of excessive buccal clasping. The Class 2 level system, when used intra-arch eliminates the need for buccal clasping and unsightly clasps. When indicated, properly countoured crowns can be used to create the desired esthetic results.
4. Cost
The price of the prosthesis must be comparable to that of similar appliances, so as not to be too costy for the patient or dentest. Economic questions cause major headaches in all dental offices. A simply designed prosthesis with a minimal amount of metal can be constructured to fit the pocketbooks of all patients.
5. Built in Permanance
A properly designed prosthesis must have built in permanence to allow for the possible eventual loss of teeth. It must be able to be repared simply and inexpensively. With proper diagnostic work-ups, these factors can be easily incorporated into the design or the prosthesis. In conclusion, there is only one complete removablepartial design system that incorporates all of the above criteria. The Equipoise Complete Removable Partial Denture System: The only true Class 2 Level System based on the "balance of force" principals of physics. Whether you are replacing one tooth, or only one tooth remains, the full gamut of RPD design is easily and effectively utilized, through the Equipoise Complete Removable Partial Denture Design System. The time has come fo rall removable partial dentures to be standardized so that the results are what is the best fo rthe patient. The Equipoise Complete RemovablePartial Denture System is not a means to the end, but the end itself.
(Without these standards, all removal partials become compromised.)