We believe that our patients are the best judges of the quality and service of our services in Bergenfield, New Jersey. Read what our patients are saying about us below.
After loosing a piece of critical bridgework and it's supporting tooth to a root canal, I was facing a sinus lift, implants, and then new bridgework for an estimated cost of nearly $15,000. I researched your Equipoise system on my dentist's (Dr. Derrill Finch) recommendation and was very impressed. I was also fortunate to know a Certified Equipoise Dentist, Dr. Jeff Senior, and all three of us worked together to make my new Equipoise partial denture a success.
And what a success it is! I love my new Equipoise. It feels good, looks nice, is easy to remove at night for cleaning, and is very secure when I eat. All that for only a quarter of a cost of a sinus lift, implants, and bridgework. I'm very impressed.
On behalf of the 3rd Millennium Dental Forum, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, and Dr. Neal Seltzer, D.M.D., for your informative full day seminar on the Equipoise system.
We have had positive feedback from our members and feel it was excellent presentation. We plan to have you back for a follow-up presentation in the near future.
With pleasure I wish to applaud the recognition of Equipoise as a standard of excellence. It’s my conclusion that conventional removable partial dentures, as we have been instructed, no longer can compete with the stability, retention and preservation of the natural dentition that Equipoise technology provides. Your first case will make you a believer.
I have been using the Equipoise Partial System in my office for the last thirteen years. Their concept of removable partial denture design is very unique. There are a couple of thoughts I would like to relate.”
First, the system is different from anything taught in any dental school. The concepts are not difficult to understand, and the Equipoise people have been extremely helpful whenever needed. I have been taking their continuing education courses, and they have always been available by telephone to help design a case, or work me through any problem I may be having at the chair. Next, the removable appliance itself is wonderful. By their design and construction they help to preserve teeth by relieving the damaging forces most removable partials create to the supporting teeth. Furthermore, they have been well accepted by my patients. I have recommended this type of procedure to many of my dental friends.
I’ve been using Equipoise-designed partials for 20 or more years. Before that we used “conventional” partial designs for the previous 30 years, with mediocre success, I might add. Some worked well, but a significant number wound up “in the bureau drawer,” never to be used again. What a difference with Equipoise partials!! I’ve yet to construct one that wasn’t well received – or that ruined any remaining teeth. There’s all the difference in the world in comfort, function as well as improved appearance. I’m happy and so are my patients.
I would like you to know that my experience with the Equipoise partial denture technique has been better than excellent. I used to dread fabricating partial dentures, because they were so unpredictable. More than 50% of the time patients could not tolerate the prosthesis.Now I look forward to all my removable partial denture cases, especially the fixed removable hybrid cases. You and the wonderful staff at your laboratory have been especially helpful with my Equipoise learning curve. Thank you all so much, I look forward to a long relationship with all of you at the dental laboratory.
Equipoise partials are the only partials that work in the real world.
If Equipoise vanished into thin air tomorrow, I’d stop doing RPD’s !
Equipoise is the only partial to have given me patient referrals.
I have been making Equipoise removable partials for over 25 years. Every time I remake a conventional partial from another dentist, the patient always feels that the new Equipoise removable partial has greatly increased retention as well as better aesthetics.
Equipoise has become a secret weapon in my practice. The most challenging cases become simple, predictable and rewarding.
Our lab has used the Equipoise partial denture system for over twenty-five years. This well thought out philosophy has enabled us to constantly produce predictable and successful removable partial dentures. Once dentists use Equipoise, they prescribe nothing else.
In 1958, I lost a tooth in the front of my mouth and since that time have had a partial. Recently it became necessary for me to have a replacement. The Equipoise partial that you provided and skillfully crafted for me is unbelievable. It fits extremely well making me at ease with its appearance as well as its usefulness.
I love the way they look, you can’t tell if I’m wearing a partial or they are my real teeth. I eat everything I want
My Equipoise partial is much more comfortable than my sister’s conventional one. Mine is always comfortable and stays in place when I eat and talk.
I have had two other partials previously, and neither of these compare to the Equipoise. It is the most comfortable partial. Most of the time I can’t even tell they are in my mouth. I can eat anything and everything with my partials. I think they are fabulous and would recommend them to anyone.
They feel so comfortable I don’t even know they are in my mouth.
I was faced with the possibilities of dentures or implants. My dentist was concerned enough to find an alternative. Because of her knowledge and tenacity, I’m smiling every day with my Equipoise partials.
My name is Jeff S…, you helped Dr. Achtau, DMD from Sussex to make me a partial. I just want to thank you for your charity to take on the job. I’m on social security and that’s my only income and Medicare doesn’t cover dental. My mouth was in quite a crisis until all this came through for me. The partial is great, it fits in and out very easily. I understand some thanks have to go to Carlo, the tech on the job. Well, I thank him too. I know we never met but you must be a kind man to do what you did. My thanks will always go out to you.
It has been nine years now, since I began using your laboratory and the Equipoise system and I would like to inform you of the unequaled success we are having. Your system, combined with the quality of your work, makes my prosthetics predictable, durable, and enjoyable
The Equipoise partial has been one of the most trouble free designs. It certainly has made its mark in the restorative and prosthetics phase of Dentistry. It is a partial I recommend when implants are not possible for certain patients.
Since we first heard Dr. Jerome Goodman lecture on the Equipoise system of removable partial denture design in 1978, we have used it exclusively cast partial denture cases. This system has provided our patients with a predictable restoration, which is comfortable, functional, esthetic, very retentive and kind to the supporting teeth.
During the past 14 years I have completed over 300 of your Equipoise partials. I did not do this alone. You have showed your knowledge and have worked closely with me on many difficult cases. The result was a high level of acceptance, function and esthetics for my patients. Thank you.
I want to thank you and your lab for the incredible work you have been doing. Your fixed-removable system has no peer as far as quality, longevity, design and patient satisfaction. What is even more outstanding is that the superior results we achieve do not require exotic or more difficult clinical techniques than we are used to performing on an everyday basis.
This office values your collaborative efforts and design contributions. As an aside, the unilateral partials you have designed are working beautifully!
Having spent almost 25 years as a practicing dentist, I have become acutely aware of the limitations of restorative and reconstructive dentistry, Especially in the area of partial dentures. It is through the Equipoise Denture System that the fabricating of removable appliances has become a fulfilling part of my dental practice. It is the only partial denture that I now make and any of my patients will attest to the tremendous improvement in fit and function over the more conventional partial designs.
Since taking your seminars in the early 1980's, I have revolutionized the way we treat removable prosthetics in our office. The Equipoise System has worked so well, and my patients are so happy, we use it exclusively for all our removable dental work. Furthermore, your frames, articulation, mounting and general care of my work as it passes through your lab is unequaled by any other labs that I have used over the years. I know that we will continue to do business together during the rest of my career. I look forward to many happy patients that we care for together.
Thank you again Mike, on mine and my patient's behalf.
Since learning the Equipoise System 8 years ago, I comfortably and predictably treatment plan my patients to accept a quality restorative prosthesis. This is the only system that can accomplish all my goals in restoring edentulous areas while preserving and strengthening the existing dentition.
My patients and I both benefit from the Equipoise philosophy. These partial dentures help maintain teeth in health, not lead to decay or slowly extract teeth as with customary partial denture design. They are more esthetic and rarely need adjusting. Patients receiving their first partial denture typically have concerns about getting used to partials and how something new and foreign will feel in their mouths. They typically return telling me how comfortable they are and how easy the new partial was to get used to. I tell patients with confidence that no one has come back to me saying, "Dr. Schwartz, I just can't get used to this.